All about Wraps & Slings

When you think of a cozy baby in a carrier, many of us picture a super soft wrap or sling. Let's learn a little about the different types of wraps & slings out there!

Stretchy Wrap: Stretchy wraps are very popular first carriers. In fact, our customers rated them as the number one first carrier for newborns in our latest poll in our group! Stretchy wraps are long pieces of fabric made from a super soft knit fabric. This type of fabric has stretch to it. The stretch makes the carrier extra cozy and also helps new wearers to have confidence while learning to tighten. Because they're stretchy, though, they don't hold up to the weights of heavier babies as comfortably. Carries in a stretchy wrap need 3 layers of fabric, or "passes," for support. This means they're best suited for newborns. Shop our selection of ethically made stretchy wraps here.

Woven Wrap: This is a traditional carrier style. Woven wraps are made of woven threads--that's woven, like on a loom! Unlike the one size fits most of the stretchy wrap, woven wraps come in a wide variety of lengths. Different lengths allow for different types of wrap carries. The strength and lack of stretch in these wraps means they can carry babies of any size and weight comfortably. They take a little longer to learn but are super versatile and flexible. This is the carrier for you if you love the idea of trying many different carries and are excited about wearing for years to come! Shop our selection of ethically made woven wraps here.

Ring Sling: This is another traditional carrier style, a woven wrap with rings sewn in. Sometimes these carriers are also made of stretchy fabrics--we don't carry those because they are really hard to use safely. Sometimes ring slings are made with water-friendly materials--these mesh water ring slings are perfect for showers and water fun! Whatever the fabric type, the short lengths of fabric in ring slings make great, simple one-shoulder carries. With just one loop of material to work with, many parents find ring slings to be beginner-friendly carries that pack up small and are useful for years to come. Shop our selection of ethically made ring slings here.


In a recent poll in our free community group, our members chose Stretchy Wraps and Ring Slings as their top picks for a first carrier for a first time parent.

Will you give one a try? I'd love to hear your thoughts below!

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