About Us

Pictured: Founder Alexandra with husband Johnathan and their child. Child's face is cropped for privacy.
We believe in honesty, compassion, understanding, and being genuine in everything we do.
Pictured left: Johnathan, husband of founder, carrying their child in a LennyLamb Dragon Fire and Blood Toddler Onbuhimo
I named the store "Mama & Roo's" after my son, who we affectionately call "Roo".
It was only natural to us, when I was pregnant with Roo, that we would babywear him once he arrived. What could be more perfect than holding our sweet baby close to us always, just like the womb? And, of course, I myself had been carried as a baby as well - I've got the cute photo of me in my flower Halloween costume in the carrier with my dad to prove it! =)
As idyllic as our dreams of him were, our son was not one of those "sleepy, peaceful newborns" that some people have. Although he is healthy, we had a lot of "hiccups" in those early days that caused him and I pain and discomfort. The only way to soothe him was to be held, and held he was - nearly 24/7. He was rocked and swayed in carriers for a great deal of that time to calm and comfort him.
Although we got some help from our local babywearing group, where I have also volunteered, it was challenging to find a local source of ethically made, vegan baby carriers. It's important to me that my buying choices don't cause harm to others when possible, but the baby market especially is flooded with products that are made with shaky labor practices (at best) and questionable safety standards. I wanted to find a local (or local-ish, in the US!) business to purchase from that believed in the same things that I did.
I couldn't find the shop that I hoped to, so I decided to start my own, to bring the love of babywearing to others while also making this world a better, brighter place. And here we are!
Our store contains products that are vegan, ethically sourced, and safe for you and baby. We keep everything in stock here on the east coast of the US, so that you don't have to stress over when it will get to you. We can special order in for you, and we will always go the extra step for you as a customer. Want some more pictures of the product? Size comparisons? Need advice on which is the best fit for you? Let us know--we've got you covered. We've also got a great community here - join us!
Don't hesitate to contact us! I'd love to hear from you. Sign up below for our email list to hear about the fun things we're working on.
Other highlights: Alexandra has an MA in Composition, Language, and Rhetoric and a BA in Professional Writing with minors in Music, Business Administration, and Creative Writing. She enjoys spending time with her family and their dog and 2 bunnies, camping, gardening, singing, and giving praise for the wonderful gifts and experiences that have come and are yet to be told!
Ready to shop? You'll love our high quality items that you can feel good about using for years to come.
Check out our New Arrivals here: mama-roo.com/collections/new-arrivals